Message and Passover Greetings from Rabbi Borenstein

Message and Passover Greetings from Rabbi Borenstein

Peace, warmest regards and the very best of health. 
Shortly after moving to Israel, I experienced some cardiac discomfort and consequently underwent open-heart surgery. I’d like to thank everyone for your prayers on my behalf. 
May I continue, with G-d’s help, to a complete recovery.
As you are probably aware by now, as a precaution, to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus/”COVID 19″ the Van Cortlandt Jewish Center, among many other Shuls and religious institutions, is temporarily closed.
At this time I would like to share with you the following pertinent  interesting article and video I recently came across.
This Shabbos, (several weeks ago), upon conclusion of one of the Five Books of Moses, we say Chazak Chazak Vinischazeik, meaning may we be strong, strengthened and grow in strength. As we complete the book of Exodus, may we, with G-d’s mercy safely Pass Over the serious situation we are presently encountering.
May we all remain healthy and in the very best of spirits. 
Good Shabbos
Rabbi David Borenstein
No institution has taken a beating in recent years like the family.
The family, the ultimate Jewish value, the central institution of our religion, where we practice our most cardinal commandments.
The Ramban writes that the Mishkan, of which we read in these parshiyot, was only an attempt to reconstruct the original Jewish families, the tents of our foremothers, the holiest places of all times.
The Or Yehuda writes that when Hashem commanded us to construct the Mishkan, he really commanded to build two mishkanot.
First, each person has to construct his or her own Mishkan – the family. Once all of the Jewish people do that, this is a prerequisite for building the Mishkan. This is the prerequisite for Hashem resting his presence amongst us. 
Is it any wonder that in these weeks of building the Mishkan we are forced by the Coronavirus to go back and reestablish the centrality of the family? 
Many of us are being forced to give up all “distractions”, like work, school, social life, entertainment, shopping and give most or all of our time to the family.
(and this is an especially challenging time, for people who for whatever reason do not have a family. All of us need to remember that).
Chazal say that the future redemption will take place in Nissan, just like the first redemption from Egypt.
To merit the redemption we need to rebuild the family unit. And this Corona crisis is our opportunity to do so!
Let’s all look forward to good things coming out of it.
Shabbat shalom!
Once again, 
Everyone, please stay safe and Happy Passover from Daniela, myself and my family to each and everyone of you. Shalom. 
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