Our Blood Drive was a Success

Our Blood Drive was a Success

On 7/28/24 the Van Cortlandt Jewish Center in conjunction with the New York Blood Center held a blood drive to help alleviate the current blood shortage, which has created a blood emergency. We had 16 donors of whole blood and another 4 donors of double red cells which count for 2 donations. These donations are used for research, life-saving uses for cancer patients, sickle cell, premature infants, and critical surgeries.

NMDP also had a table to attempt to get younger donors to register for stem cell or bone marrow transplants, for those in need with blood cancers.

I want to thank all those who took the time to donate on a beautiful sunny summer day, as well as those who volunteered to help the donors after donating: Sabrina Heit, Ron Wegsman, and Arlene Kligerman.

Here is some publicity that appeared in the media, including photos and a video about the Blood Drive. News 12 and The Bronx Times.

Stuart Harris, President

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