Supporters of VCJC
The Van Cortlandt Jewish Center gratefully acknowledges the support of the following organizations. The Van Cortlandt Jewish Center encourages you to patronize the establishments that support us or that advertise on our website, however, any questions relating to the suitability of services or the Kashruth of products should be referred by our readers to the appropriate Orthodox authority such as a competent Orthodox Rabbi or Orthodox Organization. The Van Cortlandt Jewish Center does not vouchsafe for the Kashruth of any products or the quality of any services offered.
2024 Business and Organizational Supporters
If you are interested in becoming an acknowledged Supporter of the Van Cortlandt Jewish Center and its religious and community work and see your company listed here, please contact us. Ask about the other benefits that our Web Supporters get!
Gold Level Supporters
- Riverside Memorial Chapel -Louis Hirsch & Sons, Funeral Directors. Garlick Funeral Homes, 100 Saw Mill River Road, Hawthorne, New York 10532, 914-664-6800; Dignity Memorial – Life Well Celebrated, Click for more information ;
Silver Level Supporters
Bronze Level Supporters
2019 Business and Organizational Supporters
Gold Level Supporters
- Food Dynasty Supermarket, 50 Van Cortlandt Ave. W., Bronx, NY 10463, Your local supermarket in Van Cortlandt Village. Click for current sales flyer ; 718-884-1190
- New York Financial Partners, Inc., 380 N. Broadway, Suite 206, Jericho NY 11753, Investment and Financial Planning, Plan Today for a Better Tomorrow. Howard R. Asch, 866.299.1900, email, website
Silver Level Supporters
Bronze Level Supporters
2017 Business and Organizational Supporters
Gold Level Supporters
- Food Dynasty Supermarket, 50 Van Cortlandt Ave. W., Bronx, NY 10463, Your local supermarket in Van Cortlandt Village. Click for current sales flyer ; 718-884-1190
- Louis Hirsch and Sons, Funeral Directors, 914-637-4674 21 West Broad St., Mt. Vernon NY 10552,
and Garlick Funeral Homes, 914-235-5341, Dignity Memorial – Life Well Celebrated, Click for more information ; - Ridgewood Savings Bank, 3899 Sedgwick Avenue, Bronx, NY 10463, multiply the good,
Silver Level Supporters
Bronze Level Supporters
- Garden Gourmet Market, 5665 Broadway, Riverdale NY 10463. Phone:718-796-4209 Fax:718-796-4220 Fresh Ideas Every Day. Garden Gourmet website.
- Kingsbridge Riverdale Van Cortlandt Development Corp.; 505 West 236th Street, Bronx, NY 10463. Phone: 718-543-7100; KRVC website
2024 Individual Supporters
Would you like your name here? Email for more information.
Several donations have been made by people who do not wish to have their names listed on the website. We thank them for their support!
Gold Level Supporters
- Jeffrey Belsky, Yahrzeit donations in memory of: Robert Belsky – father, Annette Belsky – mother, Goldie Kardish – grandmother, Jonas Kardish – grandfather, Abraham Belsky – grandfather, Bessie Belsky – grandmother, Ruth Kardish – aunt
- Alan Paul Katz – Donation given in loving memory of my dearly departed parents, Rabbi D. Henry Katz and Rebbetzin Faye Cheryl Katz
- Ellen & Philip Goldstein and Alan Waletsky
- Bernard Singer – in memory of Charles Singer
- Batya & Jack Kleinfeld – In memory of Aaron Chaim Braun
- Moishe Dubin – in memory of Jack for Shavuot Rashon Oneg, Pledge contribution on Shabbat June 15. [this listing represents multiple, generous donations – Thank you from VCJC]
Silver Level Supporters
- Alan Cohen – In memory of Yetta and Charles Cohen
Bronze Level Supporters
2023 Individual Supporters
Would you like your name here? Email for more information.
Several donations have been made by people who do not wish to have their names listed on the website. We thank them for their support!
Gold Level Supporters
- Morris Dubin,
א גוטן חנוכה פאר מיין ניו יארק משפחה. איך וועל קיינמאָל פאַרגעסן וואָס דזשאַק געפֿינט מיר
- Rhonda Schnur MD & Family, Alumna of VCJC Hebrew School
- Jeffrey Belsky, Yahrzeit donations for: Robert and Annette Belsky, Abe and Bessie Belsky, Goldie and Jonas Kardish, Ruth Kardish
- Ellen & Philip Goldstein & Alan Waletsky
- Mirna Lessinger: In loving memory of Renee Stoller. You’ll be forever in our hearts.
- Morris Dubin, Zisen Pesach
- Morris Dubin
- Alan Paul Katz, In loving memory of my dearly departed parents, Rabbi Henry and Rebbetzin Faye Cheryl Katz. In memory of my paternal grandparents, Rabbi Samuel and Rebbetzin Berta Katz. In memory of my maternal grandparents, Sam and Rebecca Greenberg.
- Lynn Schwarz, In memory of Esther Gassman
Ronnie Schnur & Warren Heyman & family, In loving memory of Jean, Louis & Marvin Schnur, David & Tillie Schnur, and Max & Sarah Albert
Silver Level Supporters
- Sharon Pockler Bogard, in memory of my beloved parents, Seymour & Selma Pockler
- Eileen Haren Tobias, in honor of my father, Sam Aaron, who passed away on January 17, 1986. He lived one block away from the temple. I love being part of the Van Cortlandt Jewish Center.
- Meryl Brownstein, In loving memory of Renee Stoller.
- The Glucksman Family in memory of Leon & Marilyn Newman
Marcia Panken Miller & family, Alumna
Leonard & Susan Schindler, In memory of Clara Strudler
Bronze Level Supporters
- Sonja Geismar, in memory of Arnold Geismar
- Linda & Alan Schreck, former members
Carol Kaminsky Rosasco & family, In memory of Lou and Ricky Kaminsky
2022 Individual Supporters
Would you like your name here? Email for more information.
Several donations have been made by people who do not wish to have their names listed on the website. We thank them for their support!
Gold Level Supporters
- Morris Dubin, A sweet and Healthy New Year. May Beit Yisrael live forever and Ever . . Baruch Hashem
- Ellen & Philip Goldstein and Alan Waletsky
- Lynn Schwarz in memory of Esther Gassman
- Ron Wegsman & family
Silver Level Supporters
- Sharon Pockler Bogard, In loving memory of Seymour and Selma Pockler
- In memoriam of my father, best friend, and mentor, Howard Hochsztein, who was a congregant and member of VCJC throughout his childhood and a Bar Mitzvah of the shul in January 1970. Dad, I love you and miss you. Jeffrey Hochsztein
- Marcia Panken Miller, Alumna
Bronze Level Supporters
- Ron & Graciela Wegsman
- Ellen Mandel Levine In memory of Ruth & Jack Mandel
Marcia Panken Miller, Alumna
2021 Individual Supporters
Gold Level Supporters
- Lynn Schwarz, In memory of Esther Gassman
- Jeffrey Belsky, Yahrzeits for Bessie Belsky, Abe Belsky, Goldie Kardish, Jonas Kardish, Ruth Kardish, and Annette Belsky
- Alan Paul Katz, Shavuos Yizkor
- R. Scott Toop, In memory of Howard G. Leventhal
Michael & Laura Schnur, In memory of Louis & Jean Schnur, Marvin Schnur & Sarah Albert
- Christian Diaz, A donation to help VCJC in its mission and activities
- Alumna, Rhonda E. Schnur & Warren R. Heymann and family, Wishing good health and happiness to our friends at VCJC
Silver Level Supporters
- Sherri Plotkin
- Alan Paul Katz
- Zvi & Ruth Herzel, In memory of Rose Wechsler, Ben Rabinovitch, Flora Rabinovitch, Sara Herzel, Pesach Herzel, and Yehoshua Herzel
Bronze Level Supporters
- Morris Dubin
- Linda & Stephen Kaplan, In memory of Arnold Geismar. May his memory serve as a blessing.
- Sylvia Pfeffer
- Sharon Pockler Bogard
- Tillie Kuperberg
- Marcia Panken Miller, alumna
- Andrew Fader
- Linda Schreck
- Larry Migdal, In loving memory of my parents, Ida and Isidore Migdal.
Lowell Kachalsky, In memory of the Kachalsky family, Philip, Etta, Gloria, Richard & Florence
Carol Kaminsky Rosasco, In memory of Louis & Rebecca Kaminsky
- Ron and Graciela Wegsman
2020 Individual Supporters
Gold Level Supporters
- Alan Paul Katz, Yizkor Donation in memory of my dear departed parents, Rabbi Dr. Henry Katz and Rebbetzin Faye Cheryl Katz
- Brad Silver
- Marcy Gillman-Harris & Stu Harris, Yizkor
- Ralph Schwartz
- Morris Dubin
- Jack & Batya Kleinfeld, Yizkor in memory of Alfred & Goldie Kleinfeld and Shalom & Helen Braun
- Jack & Batya Kleinfeld
- David Kanowitz
- Hartstein family, In Memory of Sarah & Gershon Hartstein, Shirley Weinstein, Max Cohen, Betty, Artie & Beth Kaminer and Arthur Weinstein. You’re forever in our hearts.
- Rhonda Schnur In memory of parents Louis & Jean Schnur and brother Marvin G. Schnur
Silver Level Supporters
- Gertrude Gunset, Yizkor
- Sherri Plotkin
- Alan Paul Katz
- Alan Paul Katz
Bronze Level Supporters
- Richard Aks, In memory of Leonora Estevez, Aunt of Narda Romero
- Jeffrey Belsky
- Jeffrey Belsky, Yahrzeits for Ruth Kardish and Goldie Kardish
- Marcia and Paul Miller, Pesach Yizkor
- Linda Schreck, In memory of Ilse Dreifus on her yahrzeit. May her memory be for a blessing.
- Michael Stoller, In memory of Leonard Stoller
- Jeffrey Belsky, Yahrzeits for Abraham Belsky, Grandfather and Bessie Belsky, Grandmother
- Larry Migdal
- Zvi & Ruth Herzl, In memory of Flora Rabinovitch, Ben Rabinovitch, Pesach Herzel
- Jeffrey Belsky, Yahrzeits for Jonas Kardish and Annette Belsky
- Morris Dubin
- Ceil & Larry Hartstein, In honor of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Sharon & Alan Godlewicz
- Ron Wegsman, Yahrzeits of Rose Martin and Helen Wegsman
- Marcia Panken Miller
- Jeffrey Belsky
2019 Individual Supporters
Gold Level Supporters
- Daniel Padernacht – In memory of his father, Howard Padernacht
- Ellen & Philip Goldstein & Alan Waletsky
- Debra Winokur Minkowsky – In memory of parents Henry & Lee Winokur
- Morris Dubin – In honor of Rabbi Borenstein
- Martin Schiff
- Al Tenenbaum – memory of Louis Tenenbaum
Silver Level Supporters
- Jack & Betty Kleinfeld – in memory of Alfred & Goldie Kleinfeld and Shalom & Helen Braun
Bronze Level Supporters
- Jeffrey Belsky – In memory of Robert Belsky
- Sharon Pockler Bogard
- Jeffrey Belsky – In memory of Goldie Kardish
- Jeffrey Belsky – In memory of Bessie Belsky
- Jeffrey Belsky – In memory of his mother, Annette Belsky, and grandfather, Jonas Kardish
- Ron Wegsman – In memory of his mother, Helen Wegsman, on the first yahrzeit of her passing.
- Marilyn Newman – former member
- Marcia Panken Miller – Alumna
2018 Individual Supporters
Gold Level Supporters
- Ellen & Philip Goldstein, Alan Waletsky – Support our religious community and keep it alive
- Lynn Schwarz – In memory of Esther Gassman
- Rhonda E. Schnur, MD and family – Alumna, VCJC Hebrew School, VCJC will always be important to my family!
Silver Level Supporters
- The O’Neill family- In honor of the memory of Joseph Barfus
- Arnold & Debra Winokur Minkowsky – In memory of Abraham Winokur
Bronze Level Supporters
- Jeff Belsky – In memory of Annette Belsky and Jonas Kardish.
- Marcia Panken Miller – In memory of Abby & Saul Panken
- Ellen Mandel Levine – In memory of Ruth & Jack Mandel
- Marcia Panken Miller – Representing the Panken family
- Derek Solomon – In memory of Julius & Rosalind Solomon
2017 Individual Supporters
Gold Level Supporters
- Michael Stoller – Lenny and Renee’s son
- Debra Winokur Minkowsky – In memory of Lee and Henry Winokur
- Josh and Norma Justin
- Paul and Marcia Miller – In memory of Abby and Saul Panken and Ruth and Manny Miller
- Neil Harrow
Silver Level Supporters
- Ben Gutmann and Susan Grossman Gutmann – In memory of Samual Grossman, former president of VCJC
- Herbert J. Grumet – former Congregant (bar mitzvah in old bldg. on Gouverneur)
Bronze Level Supporters
- Derek Solomon – in memory of Julius Solomon
- Sharon Pockler Bogard – in honor of the Van Cortlandt Jewish Center