Photo Gallery
Check out the video from the 1965 Dedication of VCJC.
Also pictures from all of our events.
Photo Archives
- VCJC Gala Honoring Gary Axelbank, 6/24/18 (Photos by Roberta Seidner and Jack Spiegel, 69 photos.)
- Kiddush Sponsored by Sarah Le Rose, 6/16/18
- February 11, 2018 – Lecture (9 pics)
- December 10, 2017 Big Bronx Reunion (14 pics)
June 25, 2017, Journal Gala (49 pics)
- April 23, 2017, Holocaust Memorial (20 pics)
- December 18 2016, Sisterhood Chanukah Party (18 pics)
June 26, 2016 Journal-Dinner (69 pics)
March 27, 2016-Sisterhood Purim Party (20 pics)
Tu B’Shevat Shallosh Suedos 2016 (6 pics)
Nov. 15 2015-11th Annual Carnival-Bazaar (63 pics)
Oct. 18 2015-50th Anniversary; Dedication of VCJC building (55 pics)
Jun. 28, 2015-Dinner honoring Mickey Axelbank and Renee Stoller (155 pics)
Mar. 8, 2015-Sisterhood Purim Party (11 pics)
Rabbi’s Purim Lecture, February 15, 2015 (6 pics)
Feb. 8, 2015-Raffle Extravaganza (39 pics)
Jan. 11, 2015-Lecture on JPR (16 pics)
Dec. 22, 2014-Chanukah Party (31 pics)
Nov. 16, 2014-Carnival/Bazaar (56 pics)
News 12 Covers card signing at VCJC, July 15, 2014 (7 pics)
April 2014-Rabbi’s Wedding (6 pics)
Jun 22, 2014-Rabbi Borenstein honored (74 pics)
May 19, 2014-Rabbi Vinas Lecture (12 pics)
May 4, 2014-Israeli Independence (18 pics)
April 28, 2014 – Holocaust Memorial (19 pics)
Feb. 24, 2014-CPR Class (3 pics)
Feb. 9, 2014-Rabbi Viders Lecture (7 pics)
Jan. 26, 2014-Murder Mystery/Raffle (60 pics)
Jan. 12, 2014-Rabbi Mandel Lecture (5 pics)
Dec. 18, 2013-CPR Class (9 pics)
Dec. 2, 2013-Chanukah Celebration (9 pics)
Nov. 17,2013-Carnival/Bazaar (75 pics)